If you discover waste that has been fly-tipped, please let us know by reporting it as soon as possible.

Do not touch the waste. It may contain syringes, toxic chemicals or other hazardous substances. Do not disturb the site - there may be evidence which could identify the fly-tippers, and lead to their prosecution.

Please make a note of the date and time that you found the tipping, as well as its exact location (and whether it is in, or near water).

Take photos of the tipping, if it is safe to do so.

Report fly-tipping

Please note that we do not accept anonymous reports.

If the incident is still in progress - and if it is safe for you to do so - call the police.

Preventing fly-tipping

Fly-tipping is illegal. Offenders could face a large fine, or even go to prison.

Everyone has a duty of care to make sure that all waste from your household or business is disposed of correctly.

Please read our guidance on preventing fly-tipping for more information.

Report littering

Littering is a criminal offence and you could receive an on-the-spot Fixed Penalty Notice of £80. You may also be prosecuted - and fined up to £2,500.

If you witness someone littering, do not confront them if you feel your personal safety would be at risk.

You can report littering via our online form:

Report littering

Please note that we do not accept anonymous reports.

Try to include as much information about the incident as possible, including:

  • the date, time and location
  • what was littered
  • information about the offender (if known)

If a vehicle was involved, please try to detail its make, model, colour and number plate.