Homes and Housing Strategy

Both Babergh and Mid Suffolk Councils share a vision that residents should have somewhere affordable to live and call home.  This provides a sense of belonging, contributes to positive health and wellbeing and strengthens community spirit.

In March 2019, both Councils adopted the:

  • Homes and Housing Strategy 2019 -2024

In October 2022, the Homes and Housing Strategy was refreshed to ensure it remains up-to-date. The Homes and Housing Strategy Delivery Plan has been refocused. It contains actions on the new priorities that have emerged since the original strategy and delivery plan was written in 2019.

The Joint Homes and Housing Strategy has nine strategic aims:

  1.  The housing market functions effectively, providing homes which are as affordable as possible; to meet the needs of residents and support the local economy. 
  2.  There is a wide and varied choice of good quality, sustainable homes of different sizes, types and tenures, to meet the needs of a wide range of different households. 
  3. Homelessness is prevented and our services provide positive and planned interventions. 
  4. Babergh and Mid Suffolk is an effective social landlord known for delivering quality services. 
  5. Homes are in high quality, sustainable environments, served by jobs and community facilities, appropriate green spaces, effective transport links and other necessary infrastructure. 
  6. Best use is made of private sector land and private accommodation across the Districts. 
  7. People live in vibrant and well-connected communities; and homes and communities continue to meet the changing needs of residents. 
  8. Everyone has a suitable home, and residents are able to live as healthily, safely and independently as possible within sustainable communities. 
  9. Both councils have strong relationships with residents, developers and other partners that enable us to deliver housing, infrastructure and services effectively, and to innovate where appropriate. 

The Joint Homes and Housing Strategy commit the councils to:

  • Working with anyone that wants to develop and deliver the right homes, in the right place at the right time to provide much needed new homes; making more effective use of existing homes; and developing innovative solutions to the housing needs of our residents and communities. 
  • Creating a new relationship with residents which is based around their need and experience, rather than the processes of individual agencies. We will empower residents with more choice. 
  • Adopting a ‘one public sector’ approach, working together in a more linked up way with our public sector partners to deliver better, more effective and efficient services. 
  • Being open and transparent, providing frequent information as to how we are performing against the plans. This will ensure residents have the information at their fingertips to engage with us and ensure we deliver on our priorities. 


Strategy Documents 

Read our Housing Strategy documents below: 

Joint Homes and Housing Strategy 
Joint Homes and Housing Strategy Delivery Plan 
National Context
Local Context
Homes Strategy 2019-2024: Summary of Consultation Responses
Equality Impact Assessment - Initial Screening Form
Glossary of Terms