Our Tenant Engagement Strategy

We want you to have a say about how we deliver your housing services.

We are always looking for tenants and leaseholders to work with us, to help us improve the services we provide residents.

Our Tenant Engagement Strategy

In November 2022, we launched our new Tenant Engagement Strategy. This strategy was developed using the responses from our tenant engagement survey - 1,092 tenants took the time to let us know how they would like to engage with us, on what matters to them.

We also asked tenants what they value most about their relationship with us, their landlord. We used some of these responses to inform our priorities and promises within the strategy.

The strategy, and its action plan, were approved by our tenant board and Councillors. They will both be reviewed annually, so that we can track our progress and make sure that the work we are doing is still relevant.

The strategy and its action plan give our tenants and leaseholders a clear understanding of how they can:

  • collaborate on - and co-design - services with us
  • hold us to account on our performance
  • share their views with us
  • be central to our decision-making process

Tenant Engagement Strategy documents

You can learn more about the strategy via the following:

To understand how we are performing in other areas, please visit the Tenant feedback and performance section of our website.

Why should I get involved?

If you are a tenant of ours, we would love to hear from you. You can:

  • tell us what works well - and what doesn't
  • help us make changes
  • access free training and gain new, transferable skills
  • make new friends
  • be empowered to make the changes you want to see in your neighbourhood, or local area

We will also pay for any costs you may incur (for example, travel or childcare). However, a lot of our engagement work can take place remotely, from the comfort of your own home.