Community Litter Picks

Currently, there are over 100 groups who carry out community litter picks in the districts. There are also over 100 individuals who do the same.

Litter picks can be seasonal or weekly organised events, or carried out on an ad hoc basis. 

The Councils are keen to support these litter picks. We can gift equipment to be shared with neighbouring groups.

We can provide bags and will arrange for the waste to be collected in the following week.

If you would like to take part in a group litter pick, it is always worth contacting your town or parish clerk to enquire.

If you would like to complete litter picking individually, on a regular basis, let us know. We will make sure you have the appropriate equipment and support.

To register your interest in litter picking please email the Public Realm Team

Why take part in a community litter pick?

There are lots of benefits to joining in with a community litter pick. They include:

  • by joining a local group, you will be meeting like-minded people and getting to know your neighbours
  • you will be taking action on an issue that you care about
  • you will be out in the fresh air, whilst giving something back to the community
  • you will be living in a nicer, cleaner and better looking environment once a few picks have taken place

No one is excluded. We can all do something to make where we live a better place.