Forthcoming Decisions List

The Forthcoming Decisions List (FDL) is updated on a monthly rolling basis and provides at least 28 clear days notice of the consideration of any key decisions and of the taking of any items in private. It is published in accordance with the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) Meetings and Access to Information (England) Regulations 2012.

Download Forthcoming Decisions List

What is a key decision?

A key decision (as per Part 1, 12.9.1 in the Constitution) is an executive decision that is likely to:

  1. Result in the Council spending, or saving, a significant amount compared with the Budget for the service of function the decision relates to
  2. Have a "significant" effect on communities living or working in an area made up of two or more wards

When assessing whether or not a decision is a key decision, Councillors must consider all the circumstances of the case. However, a decision which results in a significant amount spent or saved will generally be considered as a key decision if:

  1. The amount spent is £150,000 or more of revenue or capital expenditure
  2. There are savings of £150,000 or more in a year

Where a decision makes a commitment for spending over a period of time, it is the total commitment that must be considered to see if it is a key decision.

A key decision that is considered to have a "significant" effect on communities should usually be of a strategic rather than an operational nature and have an outcome which will effect a significant number of people leaving or working in the area as well as impact upon:

  1. The amenity of the community
  2. The quality of the service provided by the Council

Consideration of Decisions

The majority of items on the Forthcoming Decisions List will be considered by Councillors in meetings where any member of the public can attend and observe discussions. Any items marked with an asterisk (*) and categorised as an "Exempt Report" may be taken in private if the related documentation contains exempt or confidential information as defined in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.

Cabinet Members will consider information on key decisions through reports, associated appendices, and schedules. Other documentation relevant to the decision being made may also be submitted for consideration.

Please contact the relevant Contact Officer listed in the Forthcoming Decision List for more information on an item.

View Notices of Decisions