Open Space Assessment

Ethos Environmental Planning Ltd were commissioned by Babergh District Council and Mid Suffolk District Council to undertake an Open Space Assessment. The Study responds to national policy requirements and will inform the preparation of the Councils’ emerging joint Local Plan, for the period to 2036.


To view the main report please use the following link: Babergh and Mid Suffolk Open Space Assessment (May 2019)

To view the Open Space Assessment maps on an online mapping system please use the following link: Babergh and Mid Suffolk Open Space Assessment Online Mapping (May 2019)


Alternatively the maps are available in a PDF form. Due to the large size of the report, the appendices have been split up into the following:

Appendix 1 - Provision: Parishes A - B

Appendix 1 - Provision: Parishes C - G

Appendix 1 - Provision: Parishes H - M

Appendix 1 - Provision: Parishes N - S 

Appendix 1 - Provision: Parishes T - Z

Appendix 2 - ANGS 20ha - Parishes A - E

Appendix 2 - ANGS 20ha - Parishes F - N

Appendix 2 - ANGS 20ha - Parishes O - Z 

Appendix 2 - ANGS 100ha

Appendix 2 - Parks AGS - Parishes A - B

Appendix 2 - Parks AGS - Parishes C - F

Appendix 2 - Parks AGS - Parishes G - H 

Appendix 2 - Parks AGS - Parishes K - O

Appendix 2 - Parks AGS - Parishes P - S

Appendix 2 - Parks AGS - Parishes T - Y

Appendix 2 - Play - Youth

Appendix 2 - Play Child - Parishes A - B

Appendix 2 - Play Child - Parishes C - D

Appendix 2 - Play Child - Parishes E - H

Appendix 2 - Play Child - Parishes K - N

Appendix 2 - Play Child - Parishes O - S

Appendix 2 - Play Child - Parishes T - Y

Appendix 3 - Quality - Parishes A - B

Appendix 3 - Quality - Parishes C - E

Appendix 3 - Quality - Parishes F - K

Appendix 3 - Quality - Parishes L - O

Appendix 3 - Quality - Parishes P - S

Appendix 3 - Quality - Parishes T - Y